
蓝调乐队是如何把屋顶炸掉的. 卢克的学校

Well over 4,000 people, and climbing, have viewed the “Times Like These” music video featuring St. 卢克蓝调乐队的成员. The stunning video, shot on the school rooftop, premiered at St. 卢克的学校状况 and seems destined to go down in history as one of the coolest things a school has ever done. 

“The music portion of the 学校状况 is always one of the best parts,市场总监南希·特雷格说, 谁来制作这个年度活动. “鉴于新冠疫情, we needed to find a way to feature students safely and still have the excitement of a live performance.” 

Troeger met with Visual Media Director, Valerie Parker on the rooftop outside her office. “当天气足够暖和的时候, we meet out there often so that we can talk without masks on,Troeger解释道. 两人在一起讨论各种可能性, Parker looked out at the beautiful view of the campus and said “What about a rooftop video shoot?其余的是圣. 路加福音的历史.

屋顶上的学生? 真的?

Troeger made a beeline for 上学校 Band Director Peter Valera to ask if he could get members of Blues Band to perform. “他只用了两秒钟就答应了,”特罗格说. As did Associate 校长 and Chief Financial Officer Julia Gabriele.  “Julia loved the concept immediately,” reports Troeger. “I was excited but unsure about asking to have students on a rooftop. 这是一个安全的地方,但它还是屋顶. I did not know if she’d look at me like I had five heads and zero judgment. 但她笑着说:“听起来太棒了. 这样做.我们做到了.”

“I thought there was absolutely no way the school would go for the idea, 但我很高兴他们这么做了,瓦莱拉说。, 谁带领了乐队:汤米·刘易斯22岁, 奥黛丽·马格努森21岁, 萨姆·帕克曼,22岁, 扎伊尔利润21年, Calvin Strothenke, 22岁, 克莱尔·沃森21岁. 
“The kids are so talented and I knew they could pull off a music video quickly,瓦莱拉说。, 今年是他在圣. 卢克的 and, when not in the classroom, plays the saxophone professionally across the tri-state area. “St. 卢克的 always talks about having this growth mindset and fearlessness, and these kids just said ‘Yes!  我们开始吧!他们就跳了进去.”

The group consisted of Magnusen and Profit on vocals, 华生负责长笛和伴唱, 打鼓的帕克曼, 刘易斯弹吉他, 和斯特罗腾克的低音吉他. 
After discussing the theme of the 学校状况 with Troeger, 瓦莱拉选了一首理想的歌, Foo Fighters的《bet356app在线登录》. “The 学校状况 was all about sticking together and persevering through these tough times. I just tried to find the right musical energy and message,瓦莱拉说。.  “I knew the kids could rock out on that song and sound great.” 
“Our teachers were very open to our ideas and feedback and treated us with great respect throughout the process,刘易斯说。.  “Personally, it was one of my favorite experiences at St. 卢克的.”
Magnusen同意, saying “Even though the six of us had never been together as a whole and we come from different friend groups and grades, it was amazing to see how well we clicked and had fun during that time.”
The students were especially appreciative that the school found a way to pull the performance together. “I think that this concert shows that SLS is willing to branch out and make the best of difficult times,”斯特罗腾克说.
“This project allowed the students participating to feel they were taking a new step in St. 卢克的娱乐,”帕克曼补充道. He and Lewis worked with Valera on music production, 创建一个清洁, 专业音频混合视频. 

校长 Mark Davis said this student/teacher creative process “exemplifies the empowered student” described in his 学校状况 presentation adding, “Peter selected the song and then invited students into the process. 他鼓励他们做到最好, 表达他们的想法和观点, all while guiding them and sharing his musical expertise. 最终的产品说明了一切.”


When the time came to shoot the video, Troeger reached out to A/V Specialist Bryan DeVissiere. “I knew Bryan produced videos, including music videos, professionally. 他自己也是一位有成就的音乐家. He understood the vision immediately and elevated it. I could not have asked for a better director and editor.”

DeVissiere, 谁拥有音频工程学位, said the making of the video was an example of how St. 《bet356app在线登录》赋予了社区力量:“我认为圣. 卢克的 really cares about showcasing all of our talents, celebrating us as faculty and students. They allow us to be ourselves even if it means going on the rooftop to get a video done for the sake of producing something great for the 学校状况.” 

“I had a dream team for every aspect of the 学校状况 including this video,” said Troeger.  除了Valera和designsiere, Academic Technologist Eli Fendelman and senior Brian Douglas joined the production as camera operators, 而帕克抓住了 照片中的整个体验.

Valera enjoyed the collaboration between different departments and students and teachers saying “Because of the pandemic, it made us put our brains together to think outside of the box, 这样才会有好事发生. I’ve never seen any school do something like this, with this production value.  这是一个神奇的过程.”

请访问 艺术在SLS网页 浏览更多有关圣. 卢克的音乐、戏剧和视觉艺术课程.
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的 Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.